On behalf of everyone at Resilia, I can never say thank you enough to those on the front-line everyday ensuring our safety and well-being, and to those who are working to keep groceries on our table, and deliveries at our doors. You receive our deepest gratitude and sincerest appreciation. 

At Resilia, our daily mission is to think about how we can bring effective and measurable solutions to organizations, philanthropy, government and corporations. One that uses data, storytelling and humanizes technology to drive impact in communities. As a native of Louisiana and someone who lived through another natural disaster, although much different in scope and scale, I have felt what it means to have your normalcy stripped away overnight.  I also saw the immediate hurdles and barriers to access as government and private dollars began to flow through communities in an effort to fight back and rebuild.

I learned a lot during that time, and saw how we could use technology to drive oversight, transparency and ensure data and reporting in real time to drive impact and immediate reinvestment for philanthropic givers.

For organizations on the ground, we knew that there was a need to increase capacity to allow for work to be done more effectively,  and to mitigate risks that might surface as the outcome when funding is being rapidly deployed. We also knew organizations needed better ways to measure their work and deliver reports to funders, and a way to show impact over time. 

We don’t want to look three,  five or even 10 years down the road and realize we could have done more, we could have managed and disbursed funds for better outcomes. 

We want to continue our work with you. Interested in joining us? Contact me at sevetriwilson@resilia.com .

— Sevetri Wilson