Resilia Empowers Funders to Help Solve Rural Nonprofits’ Biggest Challenges
Rural nonprofits often face unique challenges compared to their urban counterparts, including limited access to funding, difficulty hiring and retaining skilled staff, and trouble recruiting volunteers. Resilia empowers funders to offer this support through our turnkey platform for nonprofit capacity building.
Trusted by Leading Funders

Give Rural Nonprofits the Unique Support They Need
Rural nonprofits uplift and empower the lives of millions — yet often receive less support and resources than urban nonprofits. Despite comprising 18% of the US population, rural communities receive only 8% of total nonprofit spending. Funders recognize the vital role these organizations play in their communities, but don’t always have the right tools or bandwidth to give rural nonprofits the unique support they need. With Resilia, funders can efficiently support rural nonprofits, ensuring they thrive and continue making a significant impact in their communities.
Problems Rural Nonprofits Face:
Limited Access to Funding
Rural nonprofits often struggle to secure funding compared to urban counterparts due to smaller donor pools and fewer funders and corporate sponsors. Even when there is a sizable population, Rural communities often experience higher rates of poverty and unemployment, making fundraising more challenging.
Difficulty Recruiting and Retaining Skilled Staff
Difficulty in attracting and retaining skilled staff and consultants in rural areas can impede capacity building and organizational development for nonprofits.
Lack of Access to Capacity-Building Resources
Being located in philanthropy deserts means that many rural nonprofits lack access to capacity-building resources and training program.
Small and Hard to Reach Volunteer Population
With a smaller local population, rural nonprofits often struggle to recruit volunteers. Engaging these volunteers is made even more difficult due to remote, spread-out locations and limited access to transportation.
How Resilia Helps:
Diversified Funding
Resilia’s Nonprofit platform helps nonprofits diversify their funding through easy to use online fundraising tools to create campaigns and collect donations, and fundraising live learning sessions.
Internal Skill Development
Resilia helps increase internal capacity, skills, and knowledge through Resilia Academy, Live learning, and a community of peers.
Volunteer Education and Enablement
Resilia provides resources and courses on volunteer management. Volunteers can also be added to the platform to help them build skills.
Accessible Capacity Building Support
Resilia’s Platform is on-demand, meaning resource and training can be accessed at the comfort of your home or office without having to drive far for a training.
Lack of Internet Access
Some rural nonprofits do not have reliable access to the internet through wi-fi or broadband, limiting the resources and information made available to them.
While this is a crucial problem that needs solving, Resilia is an online platform that relies on internet access to fully maximize its value.
Our Approach - The Resilia Platform
To help rural nonprofits build capacity and achieve sustainable success, Resilia developed a best-in-class capacity building platform focused on knowledge building, impact tracking, and financial capacity.
Scalable Support for Rural Nonprofit Partners
Nonprofit Capacity-Building Platform
Learning is the foundation of capacity building with Resilia and we understand that everyone learns differently. That's why Resilia provides a variety of options for learning and skill development.
◉ Resilia Academy provides nonprofits with access to courses and downloadable templates to help nonprofit staff build knowledge and increase operational efficiency.
◉ Through live learning nonprofits have regular access to our in-house nonprofit experts for group live learning on key areas such as fundraising, board management, program management and more.
◉ For those who learn best from their peers, form connections and get your questions answered in our online community with thousands of nonprofit leaders.
Easy to set up, low-fee, online fundraising platform and campaign management tools, to receive donations and automatic payouts.
Online reporting and easy storytelling tools for nonprofits to track and share their impact and progress with their funders and community.
Support for Funders
Funder Support and Empowerment
We are offering opportunities for peer to peer collaboration and professional development for program officers and decision makers at foundations through our Learning and Action Network. Join leading foundations across the country.
Our funder platform enables funders to understand the progress of their nonprofit partners in real time. Access to comprehensive cohort-level data and insights helps you make informed decisions, track outcomes, and drive positive change within your community. Help your own team members and board understand the impact your investment is making on your nonprofit partners.
Funders have access to their own Academy where they can learn how to enhance grantmaking processes and improve nonprofit relationships.
What Funders are saying about Resilia:
The Boston Foundation
The Boston Foundation partnered with Resilia to help build the capacity of a cohort of mostly BIPOC-led nonprofits with budgets below $5 million.
Fairfield County’s Community Foundation
For FCCF, joining the Funder Program has led to an immediate impact. Through Elevate training and learning sessions, FCCF gained a deeper understanding of their grantees’ biggest challenges and pain points.
Want to Maximize Your Impact?
Resilia empowers grantmakers to maximize impact by addressing nonprofit capacity challenges. Through our platform, nonprofits build organizational capacity, develop sustainable funding models, adapt to market shifts, and achieve lasting impact.
Join respected partners like The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and Grantmakers for Girls of Color to foster positive change and strengthen communities.