Resilia Funder Program Case Study
Oxfam America
Oxfam America partners with Resilia to build grantee capacity and drive outcomes of several Mississippi focused projects.
About the Organization
Oxfam is a global organization working to end the injustice of poverty. The organization helps people build better futures for themselves, hold the powerful accountable, and save lives in disasters.
The Good Jobs workforce development program has led Oxfam to partner with grassroots organizations throughout the South to create a holistic approach to supporting working families. These programs support different constituencies, including the previously incarcerated and underemployed young women. Oxfam's grantees support these communities by providing housing, job placement, and skills development; together, these programs aid people in not only getting jobs, but ensuring they have the tools to succeed in permanent employment.
Oxfam was seeking a better way to support the efficacy of these programs. They had originally created an RFP for a specialized evaluation process, but soon realized their needs had expanded beyond evaluation. Oxfam wanted to build grantee capacity and enable nonprofits to capture program outcomes without being intrusive or burdensome, thereby offering a meaningful way to support their grantees’ success beyond a traditional grant. Then, in the wake of COVID-19, Oxfam began to think of new ways to support their community of grantees.
Case Study: Refill Jackson Initiative (RJI)
Client: Oxfam America
Industry: Nonprofit
Focus area: Urban communities
About the Initiative
The Refill Jackson Initiative (RJI) was established in 2018, and began implementing a workforce training program in July 2019 to address the real need in the metro area of Jackson, Mississippi, for economic development through a focus on its people. The focus and mission is to empower young adults so that they are more confident, better equipped, and motivated to enter into, navigate, and stay in the workforce.
With a $40,000 Oxfam grant, the goal was to turn successes at RJI into positive performances at internships followed by permanent job offers. Upon completion of the program, participants: (1) are able to identify their strengths, weaknesses, interests, and marketable skills for meaningful work; (2) have demonstrated a greater understanding of the basic necessary job skills essential to sustaining self sufficient employment; and (3) have begun to address their most significant barriers to entering the workforce.
Resilia's Funder Platform was selected to help RJI build capacity, support workforce development and enable capturing of outcomes in real time, both quantifiable metrics and qualitative impact narratives.
RFI’s career coordinator secured paid internships for 9 of the 12 graduates; the remaining three desired full-time employment and worked closely with the career coordinator to search and apply for jobs. Using metrics and data acquired by Resilia, RJI was able to show stronger results of the initiative. Some key participant outcomes included:
66.67% rated their money management skills higher post-training than they rated them pre-training.
75% agreed or strongly agreed that they learned new skills for financial management.
50% rated their confidence in getting a job post-training higher than they rated their confidence pre-training.
66.67% rated their ability to meet and talk to new people post-training higher than they rated their ability pre-training.
Case Study: New Way Mississippi
Client: Oxfam America
Industry: Nonprofit
Focus area: Urban communities
About the Project
The State of Mississippi ranks 5th in the nation per capita for incarceration. New Way Mississippi (NWM) works alongside the state’s efforts to rehabilitate returning citizens as the need for employment is great. The project provides the needed assistance to enhance their employability through hands-on training and job skills, partnering with the City of Jackson. The ultimate goal for NWM's project is to secure full-time positions for their program participants.
With the $100,000 Oxfam grant, the overall objective of the program was to serve as a support resource for ex-offenders that need assistance while readjusting to life post-incarceration. The three primary objectives of the program included: (1) having an outcome of 80% (48) of the participants complete the classes within the 18-month timeframe; (2) creating a dignified economic pathway for NWM clients to become productive citizens, which includes monitoring the participants’ ability to maintain a job; (3) Building and sustaining NWM's capacity to ensure success.
Resilia's Funder Platform was selected to help NWM track the success of their program in real time, and conduct quantitative and qualitative analysis of their program throughout its lifecycle. Tracked outcomes included money management, basic job skills, and conflict management.
After completing NWM's training program, participants achieved key outcomes. Areas where NWM saw success included overall employment retention, which was achieved through education and overall empowerment training, and a decrease in self-destructive behaviors including tobacco usage, alcoholism, illicit drug use, and sexually transmitted diseases.
After seeing NWM's successful results through Resilia's Funder Platform, Oxfam determined that NWM's effectiveness could be increased. Motivated by NWM's impressive impact and record of success, Oxfam increased the organization's award to $1 million, enabling NWM to expand its programming throughout the state.
“After seeing NWM's successful results through Resilia's Funder Platform, Oxfam determined that NWM's effectiveness could be increased. Motivated by NWM's impressive impact and record of success, Oxfam increased the organization's award to $1 million, enabling NWM to expand its programming throughout the state.”
Case Study: Dependable Source Corp
Client: Oxfam America
Industry: Nonprofit
Focus area: Urban communities
About the Project
The mission of the Dependable Source Corp (DSC), in partnership with Oxfam America, is to reduce the barriers that inhibit or prevent women’s access to—and retention in—better jobs. Additionally, DSC helps women prepare for, participate and advance in, as well as retain non-traditional, high growth and higher paying jobs; the project directly impacts gender justice and equality by providing high-paying jobs and benefits for women.
Mississippi women make up nearly half of the overall workforce and are the primary breadwinners in the majority of Mississippi families—the highest rate of any state. In addition, they are co-breadwinners in nearly another quarter of Mississippi families. Despite the importance of women to the economic security of Mississippi families, they make up 59.8% of those in the workforce currently living below the poverty line in Mississippi. The program goal was to provide full-time employment for all qualified, certified, and enrolled applicants.
With Resilia's Funder Platform, DSC tracked the success of their 34-person program throughout its duration, and the project managers gained visibility into specific outcomes with realtime data. Important data points included metrics such as recruitment of qualified applicants for the CDL Training Program, pre-hire approvals, and the completion of the orientation process.
During this global pandemic, DSC had 22 successful graduates with 100% job placement. These graduates will earn $50-70K in their first year with great benefits, flexible schedules, and paid time off. These are employed individuals who now hold skills and certifications that can guarantee sustainable successful employment for themselves and their families.
"With Resilia's Funder Platform, DSC tracked the success of their 34-person program throughout its duration, and the project managers gained visibility into specific outcomes with real-time data."