Objective: Improve fundraising ability through online donations
Key Result: Complete your online donations presence
Improving your online donations
How to use Resilia to build fundraising capacity
Resilia Nonprofit Platform
Resilia is dedicated to assisting nonprofits at every stage of their journey by meeting them where they are. Nonprofits have access to resources crafted by experts, nonprofit technology for enhanced efficiency, and the opportunity to engage with a community of nonprofit leaders and coaches.
Head to Group Coaching and RSVP to a Fundraising Office Hours to work with a coach to understand what fundraising opportunities are available to you, how you can set goals, and then develop a plan for how to achieve them.
1. Schedule fundraising coaching
2. Learn how to design a compelling donations page
Learn from fundraising experts and start the Resilia Academy course: Designing a Successful Donation Page.
3. Set up online donations
Create compelling fundraising campaigns with Resilia Donations that ensure your mission resonates with donors and reaches your goals.
Utilize Resilia AI to create compelling messaging for your donations campaign with the click of a button.
Your fundraising journey is supported by Resilia every step of the way with expert advice, resources, and customer support.
4. Get feedback on your page after implementing all your new, expert learnings
Hop into Resilia Community and visit Ask a Coach where you can post your donations page and request feedback on areas of improvement.
5. Learn how to tell your story to gain donors and supporters
Learn best practices for asking for online donations and how to build a successful fundraising strategy with the Resilia Academy article: How to Ask for Online Donations.
6. Track your donations progress
Connect your Donations Campaigns to Resilia Objectives and we’ll automatically chart your campaign performance, allowing you to view your progress on a chart in real-time.
7. Check-in with an expert fundraising coach
Schedule time to go over what you’ve accomplished. Resilia Coaches are readily accessible through Group Coaching and available to bounce ideas off of and serve as a thought partner to help you stay on track.
8. You’re not alone! Stay engaged by connecting with our nonprofit community
Jump into the Resilia Community and create a post to share your wins!
Continue learning by asking how other nonprofits have managed their donations, campaigns they’ve used, and what their most popular outreach messages have been to continue making improvements.
Log in to Resilia
Access capacity building resources, technology, and support
Log in to access to Resilia. We’re looking forward to supporting you and your mission soon!