View The Build Back Better Ebook Now
After a crisis as vast and disruptive as the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s natural to frame the recovery as an effort to get back to normal. But normal isn’t good enough.
For grantors, the recovery from COVID-19 should be a call to action. It’s clear that the nonprofit sector is indispensable to the national effort to Build Back Better, as nonprofits provide the infrastructure of support necessary to address disparities in health, education, and socioeconomic status that have been exacerbated over the past year.
And there are three key priorities grantors and nonprofits should focus on in this effort:
Measuring and reporting impact,
Strengthening internal capacities
Making diversity, equity, and inclusion integral to operations across the board
These are all goals that grantors are in a strong position to help nonprofits pursue, this ebook takes a closer look at how they can do so.
Advance from a traditional funder to a valuable impact amplifier
The Resilia Funder platform strengthens your grantees with on-demand capacity support delivered through a combination of technology and human assistance. Say goodbye to the "big brother" perception and become a valuable thought-partner by helping grantees scale the impact of every dollar you award.