Key Steps to Finding Your First Grant

Finding your first grant is an important step in procuring funds for your organization and gaining credibility and visibility in the nonprofit sector. When a foundation commits to your cause and awards funds, it signals confidence in your organization to others, making future grants more accessible.

Securing grants takes time and resources, and our team at Resilia would like to share some key steps to guide you:

Identify Potential Funders

Begin by researching the foundations and government organizations already funding nonprofits in your industry. When looking for government grants, start on the local level. Because your area of impact is most visible locally, you will likely have more success closer to your community. This will then give your organization further credibility when applying for federal grants.

When looking for foundation grants, it is important to have a targeted search. Again, start locally and search for community funds and local data to provide insight on foundations actively contributing within your state or geographic region.

Next, use a database to learn more about foundations and the nonprofits to which they are contributing. More than 90 percent of foundations do not have websites, so online databases are key to learning more about grantors and their giving practices.

Make Sure It’s a Good Match 

Carefully evaluate your prospects and strategically apply only to grants that fit your nonprofit’s mission and values. Assess your goals, target population and geographic reach, and ensure these factors align with the grantor’s cause and donating history.

You should also have 501(c)(3) status before applying, as foundations typically give to certified nonprofits.

Develop Your Proposal

Once you have narrowed your prospects, it’s time to draft your grant proposal. In addition to providing details about your mission and target population, outline your budget and provide a clear statement of need. Ensure the scope of the grant aligns with these factors and demonstrate to the prospect how funds will be allocated and how this serves the grantor’s own mission and values.

Share Success Stories

Grant funding helps your nonprofit achieve its mission. Share stories of impact on social media to increase your organization’s visibility and to attract more support. Maintain relationships with grantors by showing how their funds are impacting your community.

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