A magical key that unlocks the deep mysteries behind fundraising

Being gifted access to the entire Resilia platform is like being given a magical key that unlocks the deep mysteries behind fundraising!

Before we had Resilia, I would spend hours researching websites, articles, and pouring through books to understand the foundations of fundraising, major gifts, prospecting and everything in between. Participating in the Accelerator Program has connected me to so many amazing nonprofit organizations who are learning as well. I don’t feel so alone or lost anymore. Being able to work one on one with seasoned coaches has demystified the whole process. The processes that I am learning have helped me develop a plan for our organization to build out and structure our fundraising department.

We are in the process of reforming our Board of Directors. The articles, templates, and learning modules in the Resilia Academy are a Godsend! I feel like I can’t absorb everything fast enough. What I am learning through the Accelerator Program will help us to recruit the dream board. I now know how crucial it is to have an active working board. We can speak confidently about our organizations requirements around fundraising responsibilities, Board structure and so much more.

Thank you, thank you Central Louisiana Community Foundation for gifting us this opportunity! It has made a world of difference to our growing organization.

Camille Gaudet from Cajun Navy Ground Force


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