A path to successfully do and serve more with less

“Resilia has given us access to a very user-friendly portal with tools that have already proven themselves to be invaluable. We look forward to diving into the platform further as we seek to build capacity methodically and in the right way... by keeping our veterans at the center of THEIR own transition.

We've utilized many of the Resilia templates to start creating our stakeholder agreements, and we're confident that with the Impact feature, we can do a much better job sharing stories of ecosystem success. We need to be able to explain that a dollar to Reveille is actually a dollar to the entire tech-empowered physical space occupied by our VETed members and partners that have committed to checking their egos at the door, recognizing where their mission ends and another begins, and working together to tame the tide that will lift all boats. Gone are the days where an entity "finishes" serving an individual and sends them on their way with good luck wishes.

To the Weinberg and Resilia teams, thank you for setting us on a path to successfully do and serve more with less, by equipping us with the tools and learning opportunities to elevate the missions of others who have proven that they are the best entity to do so.”

Katie Kilby from Reveille Grounds


Joining Resilia: Closer to winning the lottery!