Grateful to have space where nonprofits can learn, grow, and share their big moments together

“This year was the first time I worked for a nonprofit, so I came into this new role knowing I had a lot to learn. One of the first resources that was presented to me to learn about nonprofit work and grant writing was Resilia, and I have found it incredibly useful ever since. Here are some of the features I've utilized during my time with Resilia:

The Academy has many great courses that have taught me a lot about the more technical aspects of grant writing and acquiring funds, but also about the more interpersonal and emotion-driven aspects, such as tips for building relationships with potential donors and writing moving stories.

The Coaching Hub [in Community], particularly the Member and Ask a Coach chats, have also been so helpful for asking Resilia coaches and fellow nonprofits any question I may have. Sometimes, I may not even have to ask a question, because a simple search through the Coaching Hub will show that someone has already asked that question previously. When that happens, it can be a comforting reminder that other people have been in the same spot before. It reminds me that there is always space to learn, and it's okay to not understand everything there is to know about the nonprofit world right away.

Every time I log onto Resilia, I feel like I find a new feature that is exactly what I need in that moment, so I'm excited to keep seeing what Resilia has to offer. I'm very grateful to have this space where nonprofits can learn, grow, and share their big moments together!

Kyara Morales-Rodriguez from Family First Center Waukegan


One of the biggest advantages is having access to information and resources in one place


Making the bus go as efficiently as possible